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  • Diverse user base
  • Easy to use interface
  • Low cost membership options
  • Comprehensive search filters
  • Lack of safety features
  • Limited user base
  • Potential for scammers and catfishers
  • Difficult to verify identities
  • No mobile app


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TGPersonals Review 2023


TGPersonals is an online dating platform that was launched in 1999. It has been helping transgender singles find love and companionship for over 20 years now, making it one of the oldest trans-specific platforms on the internet. The app caters to all gender identities and sexual orientations, so anyone can join regardless of their background or preferences. TGPersonals currently boasts more than 1 million active users from around the world with a majority located in five countries: United States, Canada, Australia, Germany and France.

The app is owned by Nerve Media Inc., which also owns other popular dating sites such as OkCupid and Matchmaker Network LLC.. All these apps are free to use but offer additional features through paid subscription plans if desired by its members; however they are not mandatory for using any of them services provided within this network. TGPersonals offers many features like messaging systems where you can send messages directly between two people without going through moderators first; forums where you can post questions about topics related to your sexuality or identity while getting feedback from others who have gone through similar experiences before; video chat options allowing real time communication with other users via webcam etc… This makes it easier for individuals looking for serious relationships rather than just casual hookups since there’s no need to exchange personal information until both parties feel comfortable enough doing so themselves after having had some conversations beforehand already established trust between each other respectively .

Additionally , TG Personals does provide mobile access too – either though their website itself optimized specifically tailored towards mobile devices (such as smartphones ) or alternatively downloading dedicated applications available at Google Play Store & Apple App Store depending upon user’s preference choice . Registering onto site/app only requires basic details including name , age & location alongwith valid email address verification code sent afterwards confirm registration process completed successfully thereby giving access full range functionalities offered under umbrella brand “Nerve Media Incorporated” portfolio companies mentioned earlier above paragraph text body contents hereinabove written context hereof !

How Does TGPersonals Work?

TGPersonals is an app that allows users to find and connect with other transgender people. It has been designed as a safe space for trans individuals to make connections, build relationships, and express themselves without fear of judgement or discrimination. The key features of the app include private messaging, profile creation tools such as gender identity selection options, user-generated content sharing capabilities like photos and videos; filters for finding matches based on location preferences; detailed search functions allowing users to narrow down their searches by age range/gender preference/sexual orientation etc.; support forums where members can ask questions about issues related to being transgender in today’s society; blog posts from experts offering advice on transitioning topics ranging from medical care access through legal rights protection.

The TGPersonals platform offers profiles of thousands of different types of users – including those who identify as male-to-female (MTF), female-to male (FTM) nonbinary or genderfluid – coming from all over the world. With its large global presence it counts more than 1 million active members across 5 countries: USA & Canada are leading with around 500k each followed by UK at 200K , Australia 80K , India 50 K . Users have multiple ways they can use this platform which includes looking up potential partners within their local area using geolocation technology but also beyond national borders if desired thanks powerful filtering system available via desktop version or mobile application depending on personal needs /preferences .

  • 1.Comprehensive Search Filters: Easily search for users based on their gender, age, location and other criteria.
  • 2. Private Messaging System: Exchange private messages with members you’re interested in connecting with.
  • 3. Video Chatting Feature: Get to know someone better by video chatting directly from the website or app interface
  • 4. Verified Profiles & Photos : View verified profiles and photos of TGPersonals members who have been approved by staff moderators as genuine people looking for connections online
  • 5 .Detailed Profile Information : Browse detailed profile information about potential matches before deciding whether to contact them
  • 6 .Real-Time Activity Feeds : Keep up-to-date on what your favorite users are doing via real time activity feeds

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the TGPersonals app is a straightforward process. First, users need to provide their gender identity and sexual orientation before creating an account with valid email address and password. Then they will be asked to fill out a profile form which includes personal information such as age, location, interests etc., followed by uploading of photos for verification purposes. After submitting all these details, users can start browsing through other profiles or create posts in order to find potential matches based on their preferences. The minimum required age for dating using this app is 18 years old and registration is free of charge.

  • 1.Create a username and password.
  • 2. Provide valid email address for verification purposes.
  • 3. Enter basic personal information such as age, gender, location etc..
  • 4. Upload an appropriate profile picture or avatar to represent yourself on the site (optional).
  • 5. Agree to abide by TGPersonals Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before submitting registration form .
  • 6 .Verify your account via link sent in confirmation email after successful registration submission . 7 Acceptance of invitation code from existing user if applicable(optional) 8 Confirm you are at least 18 years old

Design and Usability of TGPersonals

The TGPersonals app has a modern and sleek design, with vibrant colors that make it attractive to use. The profiles of other people are easy to find through the search function, as well as sorting by location or gender identity. Usability is great; navigating between different sections of the app is intuitive and fast. With a paid subscription you can unlock additional features such as unlimited messaging and access to advanced filters for more accurate profile searches – these UI improvements help make finding what you’re looking for even easier!

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on TGPersonals is generally high, as all profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone. Users have the ability to set a custom bio in their profile, which allows them to share more information about themselves with other users. There is also a “friends” feature that lets users connect with each other if they choose. Privacy settings are available for those who wish to keep certain details of their profile private; however there isn’t an option for Google or Facebook sign-in features at this time. Fake accounts do exist but it’s not common due to strict account verification measures taken by the site administrators. Location info such as city/state/country can be included in your profile and you may hide it from view if desired – though no indication of distance between two people will appear regardless of whether location info is visible or hidden . Premium subscription holders get additional benefits such as increased visibility on search results, access exclusive content & events etc., making premium memberships worth considering for those looking for better user experience on TGPersonals


At the time of writing, TGPersonals does not have a dating website. This is likely due to its focus on providing an online community for transgender people and their admirers rather than specifically offering a platform for them to find dates or relationships. The main purpose of the site is to provide users with access to resources that can help support and empower trans individuals in all aspects of life such as health care, employment opportunities, legal advice and more. Additionally, it offers discussion forums where members can connect with each other about topics related to gender identity issues as well as social events like meetups so they are able make friends offline too.

TGPersonals also has an app available which allows users similar features found on the website but from their mobile device instead; this includes creating profiles, connecting with others through messaging or chat rooms plus searching based on location-based filters if desired. One advantage this provides over using just the web version is that notifications will be sent directly when someone interacts your profile (e..g likes/comments) allowing you stay up-to-date even when away from computer screen – something especially useful given how busy many people’s lives nowadays! However one downside could be limited functionality compared desktop counterpart since some features may not yet been optimized fully work effectively within small screens smartphones tablets etc…

Safety & Security

TGPersonals takes app security very seriously and has implemented several measures to ensure that users have a safe experience. To start, they require all new accounts to be verified before they can use the platform. This verification process includes email address confirmation as well as manual photo review by their staff members who look for signs of bots or fake accounts. They also offer two-factor authentication which provides an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access attempts into user’s account information such as passwords and personal data stored on the site. Additionally, TGPersonals uses AI technology to detect suspicious activity from malicious actors attempting to infiltrate its systems in order protect users’ privacy at all times.

In terms of privacy policy, TGPersonals is committed protecting user’s personal data with strict confidentiality standards that are regularly reviewed and updated based on current industry best practices . All private information collected from users will only be used internally within the company unless it is necessary for legal purposes or when explicitly requested by customers themselves.. Furthermore, any changes made in regards how this data is handled will always first notified through official channels like emails so everyone stays informed about what happens with their sensitive info

Pricing and Benefits

Is TGPersonals Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

TGPersonals is an online dating app that caters to the transgender community. The basic version of the app is free, but there are additional features available for those who purchase a paid subscription.

Benefits of Purchasing a Paid Subscription

  • View full profiles and photos from other users
  • Send unlimited messages to other members * Get priority customer service support * Access advanced search filters

The prices for purchasing subscriptions vary depending on how long you would like your membership to last: one month costs $9.99, three months cost $19.98 ($6.66/month), six months cost $2997 ($4.99/month) and twelve months cost 49$ (3 99/month). These prices are competitive compared with similar apps in this category as well as more general dating sites such as Match or eHarmony which charge much higher rates per month than TG Personals does even when purchased in bulk amounts over multiple years..

Cancellation Process & Refunds If at any point during their subscription period users decide they no longer wish to use TG Personals they can cancel their account by going into settings within the app itself or contacting customer service directly via email address provided on website page . Once cancelled , refunds will be issued based upon length of time left remaining in user’s current billing cycle minus applicable fees . For example if user has already used 6 out of 12 -months worth before cancelling then only 50% refund will be given back since half amount was already consumed prior cancellation taking place . ## Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On TGPersonal ? Ultimately whether someone needs paid subscription depends largely upon what kind experience desired while using platform -free version offers access limited set features whereas paying allows person take advantage all bells whistles offered by site so may make sense some people upgrade order gain maximum benefit from being part application .

Help & Support

TGPersonals is an online dating platform for transgendered individuals and their admirers. It provides a safe space to meet, connect with others, and find love or friendship. Accessing support on TGPersonals is easy; there are several ways you can get help when needed.

The first way to access support on TGPersonals is through the “Help” page located at the bottom of every page within the website. This page contains information about how to use different features as well as answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). Additionally, users can contact customer service directly via email by filling out a form found in this section of the site; response time varies depending upon individual inquiries but generally takes no more than 24 hours from submission date/time before receiving feedback from customer service representatives.

Finally, those seeking immediate assistance may call one of our toll-free numbers available during regular business hours Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm EST for live phone support with knowledgeable staff members who will be able answer any question related your account or usage experience quickly and accurately . In addition , if necessary they will escalate issues requiring additional attention internally so that it gets resolved promptly .


1. Is TGPersonals safe?

Yes, TGPersonals is a safe website. The site has taken numerous steps to ensure the safety of its users by implementing various security measures and protocols. All user profiles are verified before being approved for use on the platform, and all communication between members is encrypted using SSL technology to protect personal information from unauthorized access or interception. Additionally, TGPersonals employs moderators who monitor activity around the clock in order to identify any suspicious behavior that could be indicative of potential malicious intent or abuse of other members’ privacy rights. Finally, there are also reporting features available so that users can flag inappropriate content if they encounter it while browsing through member profiles or engaging with other community members online.

2. Is TGPersonals a real dating site with real users?

Yes, TGPersonals is a real dating site with real users. It has been around since 1999 and was created to provide an online community for transgender people who are looking for relationships or friendship. The website allows members to create profiles that include their interests, hobbies, photos and other information about themselves in order to connect with like-minded individuals. Members can also search through the database of available singles based on criteria such as age range or location. In addition, they can communicate via private messages or public chat rooms where topics related to gender identity may be discussed openly without fear of judgment from others within the community.

3. How to use TGPersonals app?

Using the TGPersonals app is a simple and straightforward process. First, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once it has been downloaded, open up the application and create an account with your personal information such as name, age, gender identity etc. After that is done you can start browsing through profiles of other users in order to find someone who interests you. You can also use filters such as location or age range if needed for more specific searches within certain criteria’s set by yourself; this makes finding potential matches easier than ever before! If something catches your eye then simply send them a message via chat feature provided on their profile page – once both parties have agreed upon meeting each other in person then all that remains left is planning out when and where it would be most convenient for everyone involved!

4. Is TGPersonals free?

Yes, TGPersonals is free to use. It does not require any payment or subscription in order to access the website and its features. You can create a profile for yourself on the site without having to pay anything at all. Once you have created your account, you will be able to browse through other users’ profiles as well as post messages and photos of yourself that others can view. Additionally, there are various chat rooms available where people from around the world come together in an effortless way so they can connect with each other more easily than ever before!

5. Is TGPersonals working and can you find someone there?

Yes, TGPersonals is working and it can be a great place to find someone. It has been around since 1999 and offers an online dating platform for transgender people as well as those who are interested in them. The website provides users with the ability to create profiles, browse other members’ profiles, communicate via private messages or chat rooms, post photos and videos of themselves on their profile page or share interests through groups that they join. With its large user base from all over the world you should have no problem finding someone special here if you take your time searching through member’s profiles carefully enough.


In conclusion, TGPersonals is a great app for those looking to find partners for dating. The design and usability of the app are user-friendly and intuitive, making it easy to navigate around the platform. Safety and security measures have been implemented by TGPersonals in order to protect its users from potential harm or malicious activities on the site. Furthermore, help and support services are available should any issues arise while using this application. Finally, user profile quality is generally good with most profiles being genuine which helps ensure that people can find compatible matches quickly without wasting time scrolling through fake accounts or spammers’ messages. All in all, we highly recommend trying out this application if you’re looking for someone special!

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Author Anna James

Anna James is a passionate and dedicated writer who specializes in topics related to love, sex, and dating. With a sharp eye for detail and a deep understanding of human relationships, Anna's work is both informative and entertaining. She has been featured in many popular publications, such as Cosmopolitan, Glamour, and The New York Times. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with her friends and family.

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