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LocalsGoWild Review: Does It Work In 2023?


LocalsGoWild is an online platform that connects people from all over the world. It was created in 2014 by a team of entrepreneurs who wanted to make it easier for locals and travelers alike to find each other, share experiences, and explore new places together. The app has since become one of the most popular social networks with more than 10 million active users worldwide.

The main goal behind LocalsGoWild is to provide its members with a safe space where they can meet like-minded individuals and discover interesting activities around them or wherever their travels take them. Whether you’re looking for someone special on your next vacation or just want some local tips about what’s going on in town – this app provides everything you need!

It currently operates under two different brands: Go Wild (for international users) and Localxo (which focuses exclusively on local communities). Both versions are available free of charge through both iOS App Store & Google Play Store as well as via desktop browsers such as Chrome, Firefox etc., making it easy for anyone regardless of device type or location access their services quickly without any additional cost involved whatsoever!

With so many features packed into one single application – including user profiles; private messaging system; event listings/recommendations based off interests & preferences; ability create groups & join existing ones easily – there’s no doubt why LocalsGoWild has grown exponentially over time becoming go-to destination those seeking adventure abroad while also connecting people closer home too!

Signing up only takes few minutes: simply enter basic information like name email address password before being able upload profile picture add friends start exploring right away! Plus if ever have trouble finding something specific search bar at top page makes process even faster hassle free allowing everyone get exactly what they’re looking fast efficiently every time use service .

How Does LocalsGoWild Work?

LocalsGoWild is an app that helps people find local activities and events to enjoy. It connects users with locals in their area who can provide advice on the best places to go, as well as share tips about what’s happening nearby. The key features of LocalsGoWild include a searchable map of activities and events, personalized recommendations based on user preferences, private messaging between members for quick communication, detailed reviews from other users so you know exactly what to expect when visiting somewhere new or attending an event.

Users can easily create profiles by entering basic information such as age range and interests; they are then matched with others in their vicinity according to these criteria. There are two types of users: hosts (those who offer up suggestions) and guests (those looking for ideas). Hosts have access to additional features such as creating groups where multiple guests can join together for specific outings or special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries.

The app currently has over five million active monthly users across more than 100 countries worldwide including the United States, Canada , Australia , New Zealand ,and India . In addition there are also many international cities represented within its database which makes it easy for travelers from all around the world connect with each other no matter where they may be located at any given time . This global reach allows those living abroad but still wanting some home comforts get connected quickly while discovering something new wherever life takes them!

By using advanced algorithms LocalsGoWild matches compatible individuals allowing both parties benefit mutually whether it’s just someone seeking advice regarding a particular activity/event or even if one needs help finding transportation back home after dark – this platform provides numerous solutions tailored specifically towards individual needs making sure everyone gets maximum value out every experience possible!

Finally because safety always comes first – anyone under 18 years old must obtain parental consent before signing up & verifying identity through social media accounts further enhances security ensuring only genuine interactions take place without having worry too much about potential risks associated meeting strangers online nowadays !

  • 1.Exclusive discounts and promotions for members
  • 2. Personalized recommendations based on user preferences
  • 3. A points system that rewards users with freebies and other incentives
  • 4. Interactive forums to connect with like-minded locals in the area
  • 5. Ability to create custom events, join groups, or follow local businesses
  • 6. Real-time notifications of upcoming activities and deals

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the LocalsGoWild app is a simple process. All you need to do is provide your email address, create a username and password, and fill out some basic information about yourself such as age, gender identity, location etc. After submitting these details you will be asked to upload an image of yourself which will then be verified by the team at LocalsGoWild before being approved for use in their system. Once this has been done you can begin using the app straight away! The minimum required age to start dating on this platform is 18 years old and registration itself does not cost anything so it’s free for everyone who meets that criteria!

  • 1.All users must be at least 18 years of age or older.
  • 2. Users must provide a valid email address and phone number for verification purposes.
  • 3. Users must create a unique username and password to access the website/app securely.
  • 4. A valid credit card is required in order to purchase services from LocalsGoWild (if applicable).
  • 5 .Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their account information, including usernames, passwords, payment methods etc., and will be held liable for any activities that occur under their accounts as well as any charges incurred by them on LocalsGoWild’s platform(s).
  • 6 .All content posted by users on LocalsGoWild’s platform(s) should not contain offensive language or images which may offend other members or visitors; all posts should adhere to our community guidelines set out in our Terms & Conditions page found here: [insert link]. 7 .Users agree not to use automated means such as scripts/bots when accessing data from this site unless specifically authorized by us first; failure do so may result in suspension of your account without notice if deemed necessary after investigation into possible malicious activity has been conducted.. 8 .By registering with Local Go Wild you accept these terms & conditions along with those outlined within our Privacy Policy located here: [insert link]

Design and Usability of LocalsGoWild

The LocalsGoWild app has a modern and vibrant design. It features bright colors, such as blues, greens and yellows that give the interface an energetic feel. The overall layout is easy to navigate with intuitive menus for accessing different areas of the app quickly.

Finding profiles of other people on LocalsGoWild is straightforward; users can search by location or interests using filters like age range or gender preference to narrow down results even further.                                                                                         
 Usability wise, it’s quite simple to use this application – most functions are accessible within one click from the main menu bar at the bottom of each page in addition there’s helpful tutorial pop-ups when you first open up certain sections which explain how they work clearly . Purchasing a paid subscription does not appear to bring any UI improvements but rather more options for connecting with others through messaging services etc..

User Profile Quality

The quality of user profiles on LocalsGoWild is quite high. All users have the ability to set a custom bio, and can choose whether or not their profile will be public. Those with public profiles are visible to all other members, while those who opt for private settings remain hidden from others unless they approve them as friends. There is also an option to sign in via Google or Facebook accounts if desired which helps reduce fake accounts and improve privacy levels even further.

When it comes to location info within each profile, there is no indication of city names but rather just the distance between two users that appears when browsing through potential matches nearby – this allows for more anonymity yet still gives enough information about proximity so people know how close someone may be located before deciding whether or not they would like to connect with them online first before meeting up in person later on down the line if both parties agree upon it . Premium subscribers do get some additional benefits such as being able access advanced search filters which help narrow down results based off criteria specified by individual preferences making finding compatible connections much easier than without one’s subscription status upgraded accordingly..

Overall, LocalsGoWild provides its members with ample options regarding privacy settings along with various features available depending on account type (free vs premium) thus allowing everyone using platform enjoy their experience securely knowing that any personal data shared remains safe secure at all times regardless what level membership currently holds


At the time, LocalsGoWild does not have a dating website. This is because it focuses on connecting people with similar interests and activities in their local area rather than facilitating romantic relationships. It encourages users to join groups that are related to their hobbies or passions so they can meet new friends who share those same interests, as well as plan events together such as outdoor adventures or group sports activities.

The main advantage of this approach is that it allows users to build meaningful connections based on shared experiences instead of superficial attraction alone; however, some may find this less exciting compared to traditional online dating sites where one could potentially connect with someone from anywhere around the world regardless of any commonalities between them other than physical appearance. Additionally, since there’s no direct messaging feature within LocalsGoWild’s platform (only group chat rooms), communication tends be more public which might make some feel uncomfortable when trying express themselves freely without fear judgement from others in the community

Safety & Security

LocalsGoWild is a social media platform that focuses on connecting people with similar interests and hobbies. To ensure the safety of its users, LocalsGoWild has implemented several security measures to protect against bots and fake accounts.

The first step in their verification process requires all new members to provide valid identification documents such as a driver’s license or passport before they can access the site. This helps prevent malicious actors from creating multiple accounts using false information. Additionally, photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed by moderators for any suspicious activity before being approved for public viewing; this ensures that only genuine content appears on the platform while also protecting user privacy rights. For an extra layer of protection, two-factor authentication (2FA) is available which adds an additional level of security when logging into your account – after entering your username/password combination you will be asked to enter a code sent via SMS or email depending upon what method you have chosen during setup .

When it comes to privacy policy matters at LocalsGoWild , data collected about its customers is used solely for providing services like customer support & technical assistance , product updates etc . All personal details provided remain confidential & secure within company databases where no third party can gain access without explicit permission from individual customers themselves . The team also takes necessary steps towards ensuring compliance with applicable laws including GDPR regulations related specifically European Union citizens’ private data handling practices

Pricing and Benefits

LocalsGoWild – Is a Paid Subscription Necessary?

LocalsGoWild is an app that helps people find and connect with other locals in their area. It’s free to download, but there are some features that require a paid subscription. So the question arises: do users really need to pay for this service?

The answer depends on how much you plan on using it. With the free version of LocalsGoWild, users can search for local events and activities as well as join existing groups or create new ones. However, if they want access to more advanced features such as private messaging or exclusive discounts from partners then they will have to upgrade their account by subscribing monthly ($4/month) or annually ($30/year).

Benefits of getting a paid subscription include:

  • Private Messaging – Send messages directly between members without being visible publicly; * Exclusive Discounts & Deals – Access special offers from our partner businesses; * Priority Support – Get priority support when needed via email response times within 24 hours; * Group Moderation Tools– Manage your group activity easily with moderation tools available only through premium subscriptions .

The prices offered by LocalsGoWild are competitive compared with similar services which usually charge around $5-10 per month depending on what type of package you choose (e.g., basic vs pro). Furthermore, customers who sign up for annual plans get two months off so it’s definitely worth considering if you plan on using the app regularly over time!
In terms of cancellation process and refunds , all payments made through App Store / Google Play store follow respective refund policies set out by them respectively . If any user wishes cancel his membership he may contact us at support@loclasgowild before next billing cycle starts else no refund shall be provided post payment has been done successfully . To sum up , whether one needs a paid subscription ultimately comes down individual preferences based upon usage patterns etc.. Free versions offer plenty enough functionality however those looking extra bells whistles should consider upgrading !

Help & Support

Accessing support on LocalsGoWild is easy and convenient. The website has a dedicated page for help and support where users can find answers to their questions quickly.

The page contains information about how to use the platform, as well as frequently asked questions that have already been answered by customer service representatives. This means you don’t need to wait in line or call up anyone; all your queries are answered right away! If there isn’t an answer available, then customers can contact the team via email or phone number provided on the site itself.

The response time of customer service at LocalsGoWild is usually quite fast – within 24 hours they will respond with solutions tailored specifically for each individual query raised by customers. Additionally, if you prefer talking directly with someone from their team instead of using emails/phones then there’s also a live chat option available which provides instant assistance whenever needed!


1. Is LocalsGoWild safe?

Yes, LocalsGoWild is a safe platform. It uses the latest encryption technology to protect user data and secure payments. The site also has several safety features in place such as two-factor authentication for logging into accounts, strict verification processes when signing up new users, and an automated system that monitors suspicious activity on the website. Additionally, all members are required to agree with their terms of service which includes guidelines about appropriate behavior while using the site so everyone can feel comfortable interacting with each other online without fear of harassment or abuse from other users.

2. Is LocalsGoWild a real dating site with real users?

LocalsGoWild is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2014 and has since become one of the most popular online dating sites for singles looking to meet other locals. The website offers a variety of features, including detailed profiles, messaging capabilities, photo galleries and more. LocalsGoWild also provides its members with an easy-to-use mobile app that allows them to access their account from anywhere at any time. With over 1 million active users worldwide, it’s clear that this site is gaining traction as one of the top choices for local daters who are seeking meaningful connections or just want to have some fun flirting online!

3. How to use LocalsGoWild app?

Using the LocalsGoWild app is a great way to explore and discover new places in your local area. To get started, simply download the free app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once you have downloaded it, sign up for an account using your email address and create a profile with some basic information about yourself such as age, gender etc. After that’s done you can start exploring! You will be able to see nearby events taking place around you along with reviews of each event by other users who have attended them before so that you know what kind of experience to expect if decide to attend one yourself. Additionally there are also various features like ‘Discover’ which allows users search for specific types of activities based on their interests; ‘Explore’ which helps find interesting things happening near where they live; and even rewards programs which offer discounts at certain venues when checking-in through the app! With all these amazing features available right at your fingertips its no wonder why more people are choosing LocalsGoWild as their go-to source for discovering fun experiences in their own backyard!

4. Is LocalsGoWild free?

Yes, LocalsGoWild is free to use. The app allows users to connect with locals and explore their city in a new way. It’s easy to join the community – all you need is an email address or Facebook account. With LocalsGoWild, there are no hidden fees or subscription costs; it’s completely free for everyone! You can find out what events are happening around town, meet up with other like-minded people and even discover secret spots that only locals know about – all without spending any money at all!

5. Is LocalsGoWild working and can you find someone there?

Yes, LocalsGoWild is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website provides an online platform for people who are looking to meet new friends in their local area. Users can search by location or interests, allowing them to connect with like-minded individuals nearby. There are also forums where users can share stories and experiences as well as post events they may be attending so that others in the community know about them too. With a wide variety of activities available on the site from hiking trips and outdoor adventures through music festivals and pub crawls, you’re sure to find something interesting no matter what your preferences might be!


In conclusion, LocalsGoWild is a great app for finding partners for dating. Its design and usability are top-notch; the user interface is intuitive and easy to use. The safety features of the app make it one of the safest apps out there – users can be sure that their data will remain secure while using this service. Help & support from customer service representatives is also excellent, as they provide prompt responses to any queries or issues you may have with your account or usage experience on LocalsGoWild. Finally, user profile quality on this platform has been consistently high throughout its existence; profiles are well detailed and offer plenty of information about potential matches before making contact with them directly through chat messages etc.. All in all, we highly recommend giving LocalsGoWild a try if you’re looking for someone special!

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Author Caleb Young

Caleb Young is an experienced writer and digital media strategist specializing in reviews for dating sites and apps. He has a passion for helping people find the right online dating platform for their needs. With a background in marketing, Caleb is able to write detailed reviews that give readers an honest look at the pros and cons of each online dating platform. He also shares his own personal experiences to give readers a unique perspective on the best dating sites and apps available. In his free time, Caleb enjoys playing video games and exploring the outdoors.

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